dead at the scene

tagged by ann

7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

coincidence plak. skang aku tgh demam.
aku xperlu mkn pon. klau org suruh aku mkn.
mnum air suam je. n aku xde ape2 penyakit.
medicine aku riffy je.

>cell phone<
sgt2 penting bg aku. aku pkai se k660i skang.
puas hati gak. b4 this pkai nokia 5300.
mmg aku xleh pkai slide. rosak kot.
klau candybar puas ati ar.kecik je.

3 >beg yang besar<
aku lebih suke beg besar. bagpack ar.
firm grip! huhu. bende yg terkandung:
-kdang2 rokok

4 >slipa or sneakers<
selipar! flip flop! mmg aku suke.
leret je jln. suke hati aku ar.
ade sorang minah ni penah sound aku jalan leret.
hek eleh. go fuck urself la. bukan nye aku leret atas
kubor nenek kau!

5 >singlet<
aku xreti nak pkai singlet ni.
huhu. segan den.

6 >5 song that can make me cried<
xde la nangis tp touching gak la kan3.

1. every avenue - between you and i
2. all time low - remembering sunday
3. keane - love is the end
4. mayday parade - miserable at best
5. the maine - whoever she maybe

7 >what im doin now<
fighting fever!

i tag no one.


Fufu The Flash said...

kdang2 rokok tu best,jhahahaha

y tag no one

aku tag ko lelamer dulu