lollipop kills

tagged by fufu the flash

1. Are you single?
:: not really
2. Are you happy about that?
:: yeah
3. Are you bored?
:: arrr yes
4. Are you sad?
:: yes......
5. Are you a queen/king control?
:: ask riffy
6. Are you plastic?
:: i am, wat a coincidence
8. Are you cool?
:: neahh
9. Are you chinese?
:: this survey is weird
10.Who are you?
:: see, i told ya

1. Initials :: MIK
2. Nicknames :: ejad, ejudd, alex(pfft)
3. Birth place :: HBKL
4. Hair color :: black
5. Age :: becoming twenty one
6. Eye color :: pink
7. Birthday :: 3rd of november
8. Mood :: messy head
9. Favorite colors :: white, brown
10. Left or right handed :: so wrong, its right.

1. Smile or eyes :: both actually
2. Light or dark hair :: dark hair
3. Hugs or kisses :: both at same time. oo yeah
4. Intelligence or attraction? :: inteliraction?
5. Hook-up or relationship :: relationship
6. Trust or love? :: dis is hard to answer
7. Long distance or close? :: long distance.i want to.for some reason
8. Call or text? :: i'd say both
9. Older or younger? :: younger
10.Looks or Personality :: personality

1. Last phone call you made :: choki2
2. Last phone call you received :: riffy
3. Last person/people you hung out with? :: awam, choki2, along, pijul, lee, gem, pijan, aie.
4. Last person to text you :: riffy
5. Last person you tickled? :: cant remember
6. Last person you danced with? :: riffy
7. Last person you hugged? :: riffy
8. Last person you ate with? :: riffy kot
9. Last person you sat in the car with? :: choki2, naz
10. Last person you kissed? :: riffy

i often mistype gmail to gamil.


Eja Kamel said...

eye color: pink? down sindrom ek..lupe plak.

pRincESs_N said...

br nk tego..eja da tego dlu...

pink eye color..batak gilerr...
